Am I operating an efficient system?

A 13 SEER (or greater) air conditioner or heat pump will save you money on your electric bill. For example, a 13 SEER can amount to a savings of about 23% compared to a 10 SEER. Just think:  you could possibly save up to 60% on your energy bills with a new, high-efficiency system. In a short period of time, your new high efficiency system could actually pay for itself. We sell units as high as 23 SEER efficiency.


If my system is only a few years old is it worth it to replace?

Your current system may be enormously inefficient by today’s energy efficiency standards. History illustrates the energy efficiency of an air conditioning system. Currently the minimum SEER for a unit is 14 SEER. All manufactured equipment on or after January 23, 2006, has a minimum efficiency standard set and mandated, by the U.S. Department of Energy.


If I change my outdoor unit do I have to change the indoor unit as well?

In order for your system to operate at max efficiency, it is best for your system to be matched as a whole. When systems match, they have a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) rating. This implies that your system is operating efficiently.


If my AC system breaks down often are the chances good it will break down again?

Oftentimes, yes.  This could mean an extra-added expense for an emergency call or even worse, possible damage to the other components of your heating and cooling system.

Contact us at ACHS, Inc. to find out more. We offer a wide range of quality; efficient and quiet running air conditioners that will help make your indoor environment comfortable.